Grabthatride home page


We help travellers on budget

with a focus on safety

What is unique?

If you don't have a vehicle...

Find a ride with a trusted car owner by seeing other people's ratings.
Can't find anyone traveling in the same direction? No worries! Create an alert and our systems will be searching 24/7 for co-travelers. As soon as we find a match, we will let you know.
You can chat with the group before you make your decision.
Share the cost, share stories and have a fantastic time.
It is free!
What is unique image

If you have an empty seat...

It is safe, since you can see what others have rated your co-travelers.
Can’t find a ride now? No worries! Create a booking and our system will be looking 24/7 for co-travelers. As soon as we find a match, we will let you know.
Add stopovers and get more co-travelers.
You can chat with the person before you decide to let them on board.
Share the cost, share stories and have an amazing time.
It is free!

About us

Grab that ride is a project that started in 2018. The idea came up when a couple of our friends were backpacking around Australia; they needed a rideshare site or app. We found out that backpackers needed an app or website that would:

    • have reviews to ensure safety
    • allow you to create alerts and bookings that would search for matches 24/7
    • allow women to travel with women only
    • include a messenger service inside the app to communicate with co-travelers
We have put together all of these features in GrabThatRide. If you have any questions about GrabThatRide, plese feel free to send us an email.

Contact us